When anyone leaves the house Buster throws a fit. Of course there are the usual questions, "Goin' to work?" or "Goin' shoppin'? or "Goin' for a little swim?"
Often he will instinctively know which one is appropriate by watching for signs of what we are about to do. Most often he is right.
When we leave the house, he demands water and the music on (the radio-he loves rock and roll). Then as we go out the door Buster lets out with the most pitiful squeal.
On day Buster was in his outside cage on the porch and I was daydreaming on the glider. An older gentleman named Shelly came by on his way to the pool. He stopped by Buster's cage to say hello. Buster didn't say a word but looked him over very carefully. He noticed the straw hat, swimming trunks and a towel thrown over Shelly's shoulder. Then he said very distinctly, "Goin' for a little swim?" Shelly's mouth dropped open, he looked at Buster, then at me, shook his head in disbelief and continued on his way to the pool!
Note: I've had several people write to me who also have talking birds. I invite you all to tell everyone about your bird's antics by writing in the comment section below. I would love to hear all about your bird! Please share your stories with me!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
The insulting parrot.
A man buys a parrot, only to have it constantly insult him. He tries everything to make the parrot stop, but nothing works. Frustrated, the man puts the parrot in the freezer. After a few minutes the insults stop. The man thinks he might have killed the parrot, so he opens the freezer and takes the parrot out. The parrot is shivering. It stammers, “S-s-sorry for being r-r-rude. Please f-f-forgive me.” Then, after a moment, the parrot softly asks, “W-w-what exactly d-d-did the turkey do?”Lost Parrot Talks Way Home
“I’m Mr. Yosuke Nakamura,” the parrot reportedly told the vet. Yosuke also provided his home address down to the street number and sang songs to entertain the hospital staff. Once the address was checked, officials found a Nakamura family indeed lived there.
The Nakamura’s had been teaching their parrot its name and address for two years. It paid off, and the bird was returned home.
Parrot mimics owner's voice to boss around her other pets
A parrot that learned to mimic his owner's voice is using the skill to issue orders to her other pets.
Margaret Sullivan: 'Barney's a really bossy parrot. He even chats back at me and swears when I'm talking sometimes ? he's so cheeky'
Barney, an African Grey Parrot, calls Margaret Sullivan's three dogs – Harry, Tilly and Bluey – by name.
The bird, 10, squawks out orders like "come here" and even offers praise to his favorites such as "good dog".
Mrs Sullivan, 65, who lives in Tredworth, Gloucestershire, with partner Ken Kersey, 62, admitted that Barney has a "very high opinion of himself".
She said: "Barney's a really bossy parrot. He even chats back at me and swears when I'm talking sometimes – he's so cheeky.
"He's always tried to learn how to speak in my voice but he has got better and better at it ever since I bought him.
"Barney's got a really high opinion of himself and he certainly likes to think he's my favourite out of the pets. He's not – but I would never tell him that."
Mr and Mrs Sullivan own three dogs, Alsatian-Collie cross Harry, 12, Cairn terrier Tilly, three, and her son Bluey, eight-months.
Mrs Sullivan, a grandmother-of-seven, bought Barney as a young parrot in 1998 and he has been perfecting her voice and accent ever since.
His favourite games is calling out to a cat named Shadow. He then praises him when he does as he is told and sits on top of Barney's cage.
Mr Sullivan said: "He always says 'come here', 'come on' and 'good dog' to the pets and gives out orders to all the animals in Margaret's voice.
"It's uncanny. He mimics her perfectly and when the dogs come over to the cage as if they are following his orders.
"The animals all think he's Margaret when he speaks. He loves ordering them around and commanding them – it's very surprising. He's not frightened or scared of them at all."
Barney, an African Grey Parrot, calls Margaret Sullivan's three dogs – Harry, Tilly and Bluey – by name.
The bird, 10, squawks out orders like "come here" and even offers praise to his favorites such as "good dog".
Mrs Sullivan, 65, who lives in Tredworth, Gloucestershire, with partner Ken Kersey, 62, admitted that Barney has a "very high opinion of himself".
She said: "Barney's a really bossy parrot. He even chats back at me and swears when I'm talking sometimes – he's so cheeky.
"He's always tried to learn how to speak in my voice but he has got better and better at it ever since I bought him.
"Barney's got a really high opinion of himself and he certainly likes to think he's my favourite out of the pets. He's not – but I would never tell him that."
Mr and Mrs Sullivan own three dogs, Alsatian-Collie cross Harry, 12, Cairn terrier Tilly, three, and her son Bluey, eight-months.
Mrs Sullivan, a grandmother-of-seven, bought Barney as a young parrot in 1998 and he has been perfecting her voice and accent ever since.
His favourite games is calling out to a cat named Shadow. He then praises him when he does as he is told and sits on top of Barney's cage.
Mr Sullivan said: "He always says 'come here', 'come on' and 'good dog' to the pets and gives out orders to all the animals in Margaret's voice.
"It's uncanny. He mimics her perfectly and when the dogs come over to the cage as if they are following his orders.
"The animals all think he's Margaret when he speaks. He loves ordering them around and commanding them – it's very surprising. He's not frightened or scared of them at all."
Friday, September 11, 2009
Buster was only about 4 years old when baby Taylor came into his life. I wasn't sure what he thought about this new addition brought in the house by my daughter until one day the following happened:
My daughter worked for us in our home business and because she couldn't afford a babysitter she brought her new baby to work every day. Baby Taylor was NOT a happy baby, screaming during his waking hours. This went on for several days with Baby Taylor in the kitchen where Buster was.
One day apparently Buster had enough of the crying and tried to solve the problem himself. First, he asked, "Are you thirsty?" After a few minutes of more crying, he tried, "Want treats?" When that didn't work his last try was (in a really loud voice), "Gotta go!"
At that point when nothing happened Buster just went back in his cage and ate some seeds.
My daughter worked for us in our home business and because she couldn't afford a babysitter she brought her new baby to work every day. Baby Taylor was NOT a happy baby, screaming during his waking hours. This went on for several days with Baby Taylor in the kitchen where Buster was.
One day apparently Buster had enough of the crying and tried to solve the problem himself. First, he asked, "Are you thirsty?" After a few minutes of more crying, he tried, "Want treats?" When that didn't work his last try was (in a really loud voice), "Gotta go!"
At that point when nothing happened Buster just went back in his cage and ate some seeds.
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