Monday, October 26, 2009


Usually when Buster wants something he keeps repeating his request until I'm motivated to shut him up by doing what he wants. He has me trained, I admit.

Lately he's changed his approach in two instances.

In the mornings I listen to my radio show, tweet, blog and sometimes get carried away and forget to get the birds up. I don't get them up until around nine when I'm more awake to feed them but on two mornings I forgot all about them.

Out of the blue I heard Buster say, "Well......?" Of course I dropped everything, took the covers off the birdcages and apologized for being a "bad mommmy". His communication said it all with on word!

Then the other night the birds and I were watching TV and Buster loved getting his head and neck rub. BB, my little blue parrotlet, kept poking me trying to get my attention to play with her. A minute or two after I stopped rubbing Buster's head so I could play with BB, I heard "Well....?" There was that one word again!

He's approaching twenty years old now...maybe he's still learning new ways to get his way!


  1. Buster is a quite a guy! Wow! 20 years old! Thought you might like to meet our parrot. "Einstein". Same name, but not the Animal Planet Pet Star. Visit Hope you Enjoy!

  2. LOve him...every one can see him on Buster's blog...had several comments about how funny Einstein is!
